RVAAP Documents


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The Administrative Record is a legal file required by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) containing documents related to the investigation and cleanup of the former Ravenna Army Ammunition Plant (RVAAP). Its purpose is to provide the public access to site information so they can be informed about cleanup program activities.

Copies of Final documents in the Administrative Record that relate to the environmental investigation and cleanup at the former Ravenna Army Ammunition Plant (RVAAP) can be accessed by clicking on the links below. They can be searched and found by Publication Date, Study Area, or Date Posted. A link to Correspondence and Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) meeting information is also provided.

Direct links to the current Installation Action Plan, Community Relations Plan, and the Property Management Plan are also provided below:

The hardcopy Administrative Record File is located at the Camp James A. Garfield Joint Military Training Center (CJAG) which is a controlled access facility. Access to the hardcopy Administrative Record File can be obtained with prior notification and arrangement.

Camp James A. Garfield Environmental Office
8451 State Route 5, Bldg. 1071
Ravenna, OH 44266
(614) 336-6136

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